Andrew Skinner
Vice Chair
Andrew Skinner has been involved with Virginia Science Olympiad since 2011. He has acted as an event supervisor, event writer, EaGLe and has also coached as part of his daughter's school team. He created and wrote the VASO’s BioSphere trial event that tests a team’s knowledge of scientists and current scientific news event.
Dr. Skinner currently is a project manager at CALIBRE Systems where he leads a team designing and building information technology solutions at the National Institutes of Health. He previously worked as a contractor at the Naval Research Laboratory and was a research fellow at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Dr. Skinner plays the tuba in two concert bands, plays the piano, drags his family up and down lighthouses and tries not to blink during Doctor Who episodes. He lives in Vienna, Virginia, with his wife and daughter.
Dr. Skinner has a B.Sc. in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in computational solid state physics, both from Imperial College, London.